Loyalty Tickets
Available until 31 April- Our best available offer. A saving of $150 on Standard priced tickets. For a limited time only.
Group Discounts
From- Enquire & empower your teams at RecFest
RecFest is an event for in-house TA and resourcing professionals.
If you are a supplier and interested in attending, book tickets here.
Out of Work
Via Application (Tickets available from September)- RecFest offers complimentary tickets to industry peers who are currently out of work at the time of RecFest.
Charity Tickets
Via Application- Registered Charities + NFP’s are eligible to claim a FREE pair of tickets, from an allocation we set aside specifically for this sector.
What’s does your ticket include?
Uninterrupted Access
Access all areas within the park, including all stages, exhibitors and activities (except the VIP Area)
Two days of learning, advice and connecting
Your ticket allows access to RecFest USA on both days
Event App
An enhanced WiFi network, and a new and improved mobile app experience for attendees
Four stages and 80+ speakers
Hear direct from the industry experts helping supercharge TA and HR
Big ideas, big inspiration, big opportunities
Upskill your TA
At RecFest you can expect to see the top quality content from the TA industry’s thought leaders and brightest minds.
Connect with TA peers
Meet your tribe, both old and new! RecFest is the ultimate destination to network with your fellow TA peers.
Meet world class suppliers
From team building to problem solving, RecFest promises a wide range of innovative technology solutions and service providers that are leading the charge within the HR Ecosystem.
Celebrate your work
RecFest is the place for Recruiters to have a well deserved break and have FUN with its legendary afterparty!
Who attends?
RecFest is purpose-built for the Talent Acquisition Industry. Following 10 Years of being a Europe-only event, RecFest returns to Nashville for the 3rd time. Featuring 4 Stages of Content, across 2 jam-packed days, as well as over 60 of the best technology and service providers that will aid your processes.
So if you are an:
- In-House, Resourcing or Talent Acquisition Practitioner
- HR Practitioner
- A Strategic Director or Leader of a Talent Acquisition Function
- A Technology or Service Solution to the TA Industry
Then mark your calendars, and we’ll see you on the 15th and 16th October.