The award-nominated Excellence In TA stage is back again for the third RecFest running! Excellence in TA is all about reminding us of the individual impact recruiters...
Calling All Storytellers!
We want YOU to speak at RecFest 2023! For those that wish to be part of the celebration and tell their stories on the RecFest Stage, you can still apply to speak! With over 100...
The Inspire Stage is Back!
What inspires you? Seeing your team prevail under pressure?Hearing people overcoming struggles we all share?Feeling the atmosphere of like-minded peers banding together and...
The Hiring Success Stage is back for RecFest 2023
The Hiring Success Stage is back for RecFest 2023 to help enrich your recruitment strategy from beginning to end. Starting from creating a harmonious and dynamic recruitment...
Headline Partners Announced!
Let the hype commence - we're pleased to announce the RecFest 2023 Headline Partners - Linkedin, SmartRecruiters & EY - all return to the fields of Knebworth Park once again....
Speaker Spotlight: Dr J Harrison
With the Announcement of RecFest 2023 last week, we wanted to highlight and re-live some of your most loved talks from #recfest 2022 through a new Speaker Spotlight SeriesThis...
RecFest Map: Visualise your Festival Experience at RecFest
Breaking new ground and back to its true festival style, the RecFest Map has finally been unveiled! Not only will you be able to learn from 10 Stages of content, you'll also be...
Introducing Rebecca Adlington | OBE
We're delighted to announce that joining this year's RecFest line-up is none other than Rebecca Adlington. She is a woman who needs no introduction, but we’re going ahead and...
Hiring Success comes to RecFest!
You heard it here first! For the first time ever, RecFest will be hosting an entire stage dedicated to Hiring Success. Hiring Success is defined as the ability to hire top...
Meet the Host: Christine Ng
Who: Christine Ng, Head of Talent @ Quantum Motion Christine Ng of Quantum Motion joins Hosts: RecFest staple Alan Walker (Co-Founder at Udder) and Gordon Smith (GM / VP Sales,...